R.C. Chapman’s S.O.S. 2:16

By Robert C. Chapman


“My beloved is mine, and I am His: He feeds among the lilies.” (Song of Solomon 2:16)


How large your pasture, O my soul! Fair and pleasant! In Him all fullness dwells! Immanuel is the express image of the Father, the brightness of His glory: Jesus’ name, how excellent!

The heavens and the earth are the work of His hands: They all will grow old as a garment; as a piece of clothing He will fold them up; and they will be changed by a ward of His power at the last day.

He Himself is the same, and His years have no end! This glorious One, this treasure infinite, is mine by title everlasting! My Lord, the Lamb of God, has bound me to Himself in everlasting bonds! He delights in me: His church is His garden of lilies, where my beloved continually resorts.  It pleased Him to set His heart upon me! When will You manifest Yourself to me! I know You are mine! You are my Beloved, Holy One! Eternal Almighty One! My portion!  O give me to see You, to be filled with the knowledge of you, obedience to You, worship of You, delight in You: these fruits of Your Spirit will be sweet to Your taste, a banquet to my glorious Lord.


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